Father, when Your church is backslidden the effects on society are catastrophic! So let us walk in the light of who You are. Lord, when we are off track, society descends into dishonesty and deception. Fraud becomes a normal part of society. They become more and more convinced their security is in money and possessions. When we don’t live out our message they think holiness is just a bunch of gibberish. With the world going to pot on our watch You have no other choice but to rob us of our comforts. Father, give us prophetic preachers that will blister our hides with truth, so we respond to the prophetic message. Then we will be in a position to call the wicked to repentance. Our commitment to You is their only hope. So make our commitment unwavering. Make sure the world has a shot because our light is shining brightly. Just as Jacob worked out his repentance living out the consequences of his mistakes through a spirit of contrition, let us be willing to right our wrongs. Just as You raised up prophets to care for Your people and to bring them into their promise land, do the same for us. Give us leaders who will lead us into our potential. Pastors who will guide us into our promise land. When we don’t live up to our potential it is like shedding blood. If we walk in contempt of You and Your word, then it will come back to haunt us. So let us esteem Your word, always being quick to return to You, keeping your light shining bright to a lost world.
Hosea 12:7-11
The merchant uses dishonest scales and loves to defraud. Ephraim boasts, “I am very rich; I have become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in meany iniquity or sin.” “I have been the Lord your God ever since you came out of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your appointed festivals. I spoke to the prophets, gave them many visions and told parables through them.” Is Gilead wicked? Its people are worthless! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Their altars will be like piles of stones on a plowed field.
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