Father, we pray that You will raise up godly women in this age of corruption. Women who are not corrupted by the prosperity that surrounds them. So Father where there is gluttony, give them restraint; where there is oppression, give them compassion; and where there is drunkenness, give them sobriety. Father, our desire is for women to experience the freedom of Your holiness. We never want them to be taken captive. We want them to be liberated to walk in their destiny, and free to reach their potential in Jesus name, amen.
Amos 4:1-3
Hear this word, you cows of Bashan on Mount Samaria, you women who oppress the poor and crush the needy and say to your husbands, “Bring us some drinks!” The Sovereign Lord has sworn by his holiness: “The time will surely come
when you will be taken away with hooks, the last of you with fishhooks. You will each go straight out through breaches in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon,” declares the Lord.
Have you ever noticed how backward God’s ways seems compared to the natural way things are done? Many times, God’s plans are the complete opposite of man’s. The principles of God’s kingdom say that to live, we have to die; to be a leader, we have to serve; and to receive, we have to give. When we accept the kingdom of Christ, we must unlearn every instinct. We must transform our thinking into a lens of understanding that most people will perceive as backward and crazy. But the reality is this kingdom, this Crazy Kingdom, turns everything that’s upside down to right-side up.
Crazy Kingdom clearly outlines the differences between living according to a worldly standard with a survivalist mentality and following Christ. God is awakening the next generation of kingdom leaders to arise and stand firm for a spiritual awakening to come to this land. These leaders will be the ones who embrace the backward principles of the Crazy Kingdom and transform the word around them.
“Are you ready for a new God assignment? Then this book is for you! Crazy Kingdom will shift your very concept of what it means to live a life of victory. Cameron King has the unique ability to make truth jump off the page and into the mind of the reader.”—Patrick SchatzlineEvangelist and author, Remnant Ministries International
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