And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18
Some people make this overly mystical or weird. Others just pray for the sick as a courtesy, but don’t expect anything to happen. Yet Jesus commands us to pray for the sick while expecting supernatural results. The gift of healing is for businessmen and preachers, artist and teachers, mechanics and welders. One of the components of being bold is having a simple model to follow. This is what I am offering you today.
This model of praying for the sick is an adaptation of what I learned from two men of God that I have received training from: Randy Clark and Mark Rutland. I have found this model to be very effective and fruitful. I have consistently seen healing and miracles using this process. Why don’t you read through it and step out in faith.
Step One: The Interview
Briefly interview the person requesting prayer. Be attentive and gentle. A loving attitude on your part will do much to reassure the person that he or she is in good hands. Ask him or her what the physical need is, but don’t get bogged down with too much detail. For example:
“What is your name?” (A question or two to put the person at ease.) “What would you like prayer for?”
“How long have you had this condition?”
“Do you know what the cause is?”
Step Two: Command Healing
Some people are uncomfortable with this, but this is the biblical method of dealing with sickness, disease and injures.
The Bible Way
“I am willing. Be cleansed.” (Mark 1:41)
“Little girl, I say to you ‘Arise.’” (Mark 5:41)
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:6)
“Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.” (Acts 9:34)
Command: A command addressed to a condition of the body, or to a part of the body, or to a troubling spirit such as a spirit of pain, or infirmity, or of affliction.
“In the name of Jesus, I command this tumor to shrivel up and dissolve.”
“In the name of Jesus, spine, be straight! Be healed!”
“In Jesus’ name, I command every afflicting spirit; get out of Sam’s body.”
“In the name of Jesus, I command all pain and swelling to leave this ankle.”
Step Three: Prayer Ministry
First, audibly ask the Holy Spirit to come. You can say simply, “Come, Holy Spirit!” Or, “Come, Holy Spirit, with Your healing power.” Or you may prefer a longer prayer. Then wait on Him for a minute or two.
Tell the person receiving ministry that you will be quiet for a minute or two, so that he doesn’t become confused about what is going on.
An Attitude of Receiving
Ask the person not to pray while you are praying for him. Here again, be gentle and loving.
Sometimes a person may find it very hard not to pray. Don’t be hung up on this. Pray for him anyway.
Ask the person to let you know if anything begins to happen in their body, like heat, tingling, electricity, a change in the amount or location of the pain, etc.
If the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes evident, as by the person feeling heat or tingling or some other manifestation, continue waiting on Him until He finishes what He wishes to do at that time. When the manifestation has ebbed, check to see if healing is complete. If it is not complete, continue your ministry.
Remember: always pray or command in the name of Jesus!
You cannot use the name of Jesus too much! The power is in His name. Some who have anointed healing ministries sometimes simply repeat “In the name of Jesus”, over and over as their prayer for healing.
Thank God for whatever He does. You cannot thank God too much!
Pray Specifically
When you minister healing, seek to deal with the specifics of the condition if you know the cause, as well as with the symptoms. For example:
“Father, in Jesus’ name I ask you to heal the cones and rods in the retina of this eye. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause the scar tissue to dissolve and leave this eye. Oh God, restore the sight in this eye, in the name of Jesus.”
“In the name of Jesus, dear God, I ask You to heal this pancreas. Father, in the name of Jesus I ask You to touch this pancreas with your healing power and cause it to function normally. Cause it to produce insulin as needed and cause all diabetes to be cured and complete health restored. Release Your healing in the name of Jesus.”
Be Persistent
If you try one kind of prayer or command and get results but not complete healing, continue. Explain why you are continuing to the person receiving prayer or he may wonder about the repetition. Be persistent!
If you try one kind of prayer or command and get no result after a few times, try another kind! Be persistent!
Your Style
You need not necessarily pray aloud all the time. If you wish, tell the person that you may pray silently at times. Listen to the Holy Spirit. He may give you some guidance you would otherwise miss.
It is often very helpful to pray with your eyes open, and observe the person you are praying for. Look for signs that God is at work in his body: fluttering eyelids, trembling, perspiration. If you see something happening or if the person reports a change in the pain or increased sight or other progress, thank God for what He is doing and bless it. Continue to pray in the manner that led to the progress.
If you are not accustomed to praying with your eyes open, this will require practice! However, it is worth the practice as it sometimes helps you see what God is doing.
Use your normal tone of voice. Shouting or praying loudly in tongues will not increase your effectiveness.
Step Four: Testing & Repeating
Ask the person to test the area of pain or do something they could not do before. Get them to check and see if the pain is still there. If it’s still present, then pray again. If it’s partially gone, then pray a few more times until the pain is completely gone. Also encourage them to not fake anything. We only want genuine results. The authenticity will open doors for other ministry and ongoing relationship. High pressure will make people feel manipulated and they’ll leave your presence with a yucky feeling. Persistence is important. I usually experience a miracle or the beginnings of a healing on the fourth or five time I pray for people. When the healing manifest, then be sure to thank the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit.
Step Five: Post-Prayer Suggestions
After praying, consider the following: Encourage the prayee’s walk with the Lord.
You might share a scripture verse. For some people, scriptural passages are extremely meaningful and encouraging.
If he is not healed or not completely healed, don’t accuse him of lack of faith for healing or of sin in his life as the cause. Take responsibly for the miracle not happening. If you leave a person feeling condemned, then you’ve ended your encounter with the person on a demonic note. Refuse to aline with accuser of the brethren.
Encourage the person to get prayer from others if there is little or no evidence of healing, or if his or her healing has not been completed. Sometimes healing is progressive and sometimes it occurs only after a number of prayers for healing have been made.
Love! Love! Love!
As a minister of healing, do everything in love. I hope you found this helpful, but I really hope you try it out soon. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see tons of results at first; faith builds every time you pray.
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Also check out my series on the “Three Life Long Seasons of Spiritual Development.” Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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